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Cultural and scientific events involving the GIN

GIN’s employees regularly contribute to placing science at the core of culture. To open dialog about science with other people, to question science, to give citizens the keys to understand the world in which they live, to provide knowledge, skills and solutions to health problems and to explain the scientific approach are all challenges, which we try to meet through our actions.

We are involved in the local organization of annual events, at both national and international levels, in collaboration with other laboratories in Grenoble. From theaters or cinemas to showrooms and the hall of our institute, these meetings offer experiments, activities and interactions organized and led by GIN’s scientists for everyone to see.

Find all details and feedback for each event in the following section and the schedule of the upcoming editions on our "Science for all" page or on the blog atoutcerveau (in French).

Annual events

  • Epilepsy Day
    February, european event
    Mobilization of the scientific community to talk about it.
  • Rare Disease Day
    February, international event
    Promotion of public and political awareness of issues related to rare diseases.
  • Brain Awareness Week
    Mid-march, international event
    A week dedicated to scientific cultural proposals to understand the functioning of the brain. GIN is a member of the steering committee.
  • "Pint of Science" Festival
    May, international event
    A new festival to meet scientists in the cafés of the conurbation.
  • Science Festival
    October-november, national event
    An important event organized by higher education and research centers to expand access to knowledge.

Submitted on February 5, 2024

Updated on February 5, 2024