Chargé(e) de recherche (INSERM)
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Eq B.Lemasson/T.Christen

Contact details
Building : Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences
Office : R/077
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Research topics
Medical imaging has grown considerably over the last 20 years, especially with the democratization of MRI in both clinical and preclinical settings. These technological developments have been accompanied by the development of new analytical methods that allow the manual or automatic extraction of quantitative information from these images. Finally, many studies have shown correlations between some of these metrics and a diagnosis or pathological evolution. These metrics are commonly referred to as imaging biomarkers.
My work focuses on the development and validation of novel imaging biomarkers in clinical and preclinical studies. More specifically, my research focuses on i) the development and validation of new MRI acquisition methods, ii) the development of medical imaging analysis methods based on artificial intelligence tools such as machine learning and/or deep learning, and iii) the development of software tools to facilitate the routine preclinical and clinical use of all these developments. Although the majority of my published work focuses on MRI and glioblastoma (preclinical/clinical), my current and future research will focus on other imaging modalities (including CT) and other pathologies (traumatic brain injury and stroke).
Radiology and Medical Imaging, Biophysics and Medical Imaging, Biostatistics, Medical Computing and Communication Technologies, Oncology; Radiation Therapy (2 options)
Curriculum vitae
2023 / Now Head of INSERM U836,Team "Functional NeuroImaging and Brain perfusion", Grenoble, France
2016 / now Chargé de Recherche (eq. Associate Professor)
INSERM U836,Team "Functional NeuroImaging and Brain perfusion", Grenoble, France
Research topics: Developments in imaging biomarkers applied to brain pathologies using artificial intelligence tools
key words : Brain, MRI, CT-scan, Stroke, glioma, traumatic brain injury, machine learning, deep learning
Lab. Director: E. Barbier
2019 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in medicine
Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Developments in imaging biomarkers applied to brain pathologies
2012 – 2015 Research fellow
INSERM U836,Team "Functional NeuroImaging and Brain perfusion", Grenoble, France
Advisor: E. Barbier
2010 – 2012 Research fellow
University of Michigan, department of Radiology, MI, USA
Advisor: C.J Gàlban & B. Ross
2007 – 2010 PhD thesis
INSERM U836,Team "Functional NeuroImaging and Brain perfusion", Grenoble, France
Topic: MRI and biological study of the therapeutic response of a treatment combining antiangiogenic agents and/or radiotherapy in models of gliomas in rats
Advisor: C. Rémy
2006 Master internship
INSERM U594, Grenoble, France (6 months)
Topic : Relation between changes in microvasculature detected by MRI and evolutions of the expression of the main angiogenic factors on two different rat brain tumors
Advisor: S. Valable
Scientific publications
46 articles et 1 review published in peer-reviewed journals
11 as 1st et 11 as 2nd and 7 as last author
ORCID; google scholar
Communications (national and international)
54 international presentations (14 oral et 40 posters)
21 national presentations (6 oral et 17 posters)
23 invited lectures
Holder of 2 US patents, 1 of which is currently used under license
Additional information
Supervision within the research team
The research team I lead with Thomas Christen (Deputy Director) consists of 49 members (25 permanent and 24 non-permanent members).
Supervision in my research projects
3 postdoctoral researchers, 7 PhD students, 2 medical theses, 2 engineers, 13 Master 2 students, 14 Master 1 students, 5 Bachelor’s/BTS students, and 2 technicians.
Thesis jury / HDR and member of CSI
8 thesis juries (4 examiners and 4 rapporteurs)
1 HDR jury (1 rapporteur)
10 thesis follow-up committees
Scientific activities
Reviewer for various journals and member of an ethics committee for 7 years
Organization of a workshop for the RadioTransNet network
Organization of a Summer School AI4Health in 2022
Organization of the 1st French Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging; IABM23; 200 participants; 2 days in Paris
Organization of the second Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging; IABM24; 260 participants; 2.5 days in Grenoble
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