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The photonic imaging center PIC-GIN provides imaging equipment and proficiency to help develop your scientific projects in neuroscience and life science.
Several photonic microscopy techniques are available to study molecules, organelles, cells, whole organisms, healthy and/or diseased tissues at various scales.
The photonic imaging center PIC-GIN is labeled IBiSA, as it is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment essential to the research projects developed in the Grenoble Institute for Neuroscience and abroad.
This platform is part of the Multidimensional Functional Microscopy Technology Network RTMFM, and a member of the GDR Imabio.
The PIC GIN research engineers are available to assist you for the duration of your projects. Please contact us at : gin-picuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr
Available equipment
- a straight widefield microscope (Nikon)
- a widefield videomicroscope with incubation chamber (Zeiss/Roper)
- a widefield videomicroscope equiped with FRAP (Leica /Roper)
- a widefield microscope/TIRF (Nikon/Roper
- a Spinning Disk microscope TIRF/ FRAP/LIVE SR (Zeiss/Roper)
- a confocal microscope TCS SPE (Leica)
- a confocal microscope LSM 710/Airyscan (Zeiss)
- a two-photon microscope LSM7MP (Zeiss)
- an Axioscan slide scanner (Zeiss)
- a Lightsheet microscope (LaVision Biotec)
- a 2D STED nanoscope (Abberior)
- Stereology microscopy (MBF Bioscience)
- an analysis room equiped with IMARIS, ZEN, METAMORPH softwares
> More information about PIC-GIN equipment
Platform organization
+ Lightsheet room: 3/022
+ Analysis room: 2/025
+ LEICA video room: 3/033
+ STEDYCON room: 3/031
+ Stereology room: 3/024
Internal rules
Internal rules define the safety and discipline rules to be followed on the platform. These rules are applicable to all users.
Download the internal rules of PIC-GIN (pdf - in french)
Platform service paiement is required to ensure equipment maintenance. The PIC-GIN platform is also accessible to private laboratories.
Publications rules
This document can help you to define the positioning of the PIC’s engineers in publications that require their contribution. It is based on international and national recommandations (Inserm / CNRS) regarding the criteria that define the quality of an author. This document is not intended to define a directive framework but to recall the usual rules.
Read the publications rules
Team members
Yasmina Saoudi
Ingenieur de Recherche Inserm, Direction team
Sara Yjjou
Ingenieur d'études UGA, Direction team
Eric Denarier
Ingenieur CEA, Equipe Arnal
eric.denarieruniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (eric[dot]denarier[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Office : 3/066
Phone : 04 56 52 05 74
Platform : 3/031
Phone : 04 56 52 05 78
Christophe Bosc - Bioinformatic
Ingenieur de Recherche Inserm, Arnal team
christophe.boscuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (christophe[dot]bosc[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Amélie Danfossy - Gestion
Assistante ingenieur, Direction team
amelie.danfossyuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (amelie[dot]danfossy[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Account creation
Isabelle Arnal
Michael Decressac
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