Chercheur(e) (INSERM)
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Eq J.Bastin

Bâtiment : Bât. Michel Dubois
Bureau : C 103
Office: 1/076
Réseaux sociaux :
Thèmes de recherche
We combine psychophysics, computational modeling and invasive electrophysiology to study the mechanisms that lead neurons in our brain to give rise to our perceptual experience of the world and the associated confidence or lack thereof. We are also interested in explaining how this mechanism dysfunctions, leading to hallucinations and doubt in psychiatric and neurological pathologies.
Methodologies: microelectrode recordings, local field potentials, EEG, fMRI, behavior, transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), computational modelling, machine learning.
Disciplines scientifiques
Cognitive neuroscience; Psychiatry
Curriculum vitae
- From 10/2023 Researcher (CR) at the GIN / INSERM, Grenoble, FR
Leading a group of 3 PhD students and a postdoc. Studying subjective states, funded by an ERC Starting Grant https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/10107787 - 11/2019 – 09/2023 Postdoc at the LPNC / CNRS, Grenoble, FR Studying perceptual consciousness in the group of Dr. Nathan Faivre, funded by two postdoc grants http://p3.snf.ch/project-199251 and http://p3.snf.ch/project-187974.
- 3/2018 – 10/2019 Postdoc at LNCO / EPFL, Geneva CH; WVU, Morgantown, US
Coordinating DBS intraoperative recordings with Prof. Ali Rezai to study the neural correlates of perceptual consciousness in the laboratory of Pr. Olaf Blanke. - 11/2012-01/2018 PhD in Brain-computer interfaces at EPFL, Lausanne, CH
Studying action monitoring in continuous motor tasks in the laboratory of Prof. José del R. Millàn. Research internships at UC Berkeley with Prof. Robert T. Knight - 4/2010-4/2012 Research engineer at Sony Deutschland GmbH, DE
Machine learning and signal processing for speech and music. - 9/2007 – 3/2010 Master in Communication Systems, EPFL, CH
Selected experimental work
Pereira, M.*, Faivre, N.*, Bernasconi, F.*, … , Rezai, A., Blanke, O., Subcortical correlates of consciousness with human single neuron recordings
, eLife (2024) (* Equal contribution).
Pereira, M., Skiba, R., Cojan, Y., Vuilleumier, P., & Begue, I. Optimal confidence for unaware visuomotor deviations Journal of Neuroscience (2023) 43(35):1-17
Pereira, M., Mégevand, P., …, F., Blanke, O., Faivre, N., Evidence accumulation relates to perceptual consciousness and monitoring. Nature Communications 12:1-11 (2021)
Pereira, M.*, Faivre, N.*, Iturrate, I.*, …,, Blanke, O., Van De Ville, D., Millán, J. del R., Disentangling the origins of confidence in speeded perceptual judgments through multimodal imaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 117(15):8382-8390 (2020)
Pereira, M., Sobolewski, A. and Millán, J. del R. Action monitoring cortical activity coupled to sub-movements. ENeuro 4:1-12 (2017).
Selected theoretical work
Mazencieux, A.*, Pereira, M.*, Faivre, N., Mamassian, P., Moulin, C.J.A., Souchay, C. A (2023) A common conceptual space for metacognition across and within domains, Nature Reviews Psychology (2023)
Pereira, M., Perrin, D., Faivre, N., A leaky evidence accumulation process for perceptual experience. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2022). 26(6):451–461.
Iturrate, I.*, Pereira, M.*, Millán, J. del R., Closed-loop electrical neurostimulation: Challenges and opportunities. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 8:28-37 (2018).
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