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Maître de conférence (UGA)

Eq J.Bastin

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Bâtiment : Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences

Bureau : GIN

My research examines the organization of large-scale brain's networks supporting motor and cognitive functions in healthy and disease populations

Disciplines scientifiques

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Cognitive neurosciences, Neuroimaging, Connectomics, Machine learning


From 2017, I teach in the Department of Health & Sport Sciences (STAPS) of the Université Grenoble Alpes:
- BS degree: Neuroscience Basics, Ontogenesis of Motor Behavior, Aging of Motor Behavior, Sensory Integration
- MS degree: Neural motor control, Motor learning

Curriculum vitae

Selected publications

  • Lefort-Besnard J, Naveau M, Delcroix N, Decker LM, Cignetti F; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Grey matter volume and CSF biomarkers predict neuropsychological subtypes of MCI. Neurobiology of Aging. 2023 Nov;131:196-208.
  • Nemmi F*, Cignetti F*, Vaugoyeau M, Assaiante C, Chaix Y, Péran P. Developmental dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder and comorbidity discrimination using multimodal structural and functional neuroimaging. Cortex, 2023, 160:43-54. *: equal contribution
  • Struber L, Baumont M, Barraud PA, Nougier V, Cignetti F. Brain oscillatory correlates of visuomotor adaptive learning. Neuroimage. 2021 Dec 15;245:118645.
  • Cignetti F, Nemmi F, Vaugoyeau M, Girard N, Albaret JM, Chaix Y, Péran P, Assaiante C. Intrinsic Cortico-Subcortical Functional Connectivity in Developmental Dyslexia and Developmental Coordination Disorder. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2020 Apr 6;1(1):tgaa011.
  • Cignetti F, Vaugoyeau M, Decker LM, Grosbras MH, Girard N, Chaix Y, Péran P, Assaiante C. Brain network connectivity associated with anticipatory postural control in children and adults. Cortex. 2018 Nov;108:210-221.
  • Cignetti F, Fontan A, Menant J, Nazarian B, Anton JL, Vaugoyeau M, Assaiante C. Protracted development of the proprioceptive brain network during and beyond adolescence. Cerebral Cortex. 2017 Feb 1;27(2):1285-1296.

Full list of publications:

Publié le 27 mai 2024

Mis à jour le 8 juin 2024