Researcher (INSERM)
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Team J.Bastin

Contact details
Building : Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences
Office : GIN 1/068
Chemin Fortuné Ferrini
Bâtiment Edmond J Safra
38700 La Tronche
Research topics
Neurosciences - Interactions between the basal ganglia and brainstem structures - Sensory processing - Parkinson's disease - Pain symptoms
Scientific disciplines
My research focus on the role of the basal ganglia in goal directed behavior and action selection. The anatomy and function of the basal ganglia have been extensively studied in relation to the cortex. However, prior to the evolutionary expansion of the cerebral cortex, it was probably the co-evolution of the basal ganglia with subcortical structures that first established a basic circuitry onto which the cortex was later grafted. However, this subcortical network has been largely overlooked. I initiated a novel line of research to investigate the connections between the basal ganglia and sensory-motor structures originating from the brainstem. Through my work, I have demonstrated their significant contribution to the basal ganglia's role in selecting actions in response to sensory input, which has gained international recognition. Furthermore, I have identified dysfunction within this network in both Parkinson’s disease patients and animal models, a phenomenon not previously documented. I have shown that the hyperactivity within the basal ganglia in Parkinson’s disease affects sensory-motor processing in the brainstem, potentially contributing to various non-motor symptoms. Specifically, my research has revealed a previously unrecognized nociceptive network linking the basal ganglia to brainstem nociceptive structures, influencing pain perception in rodent models. Dysregulation of this network in Parkinson’s disease models suggests its potential involvement in various pain syndromes, including central neuropathic pain, pain hypersensitivity, and chronic pain. Additionally, I propose that similar central mechanisms may contribute to the emergence of pain symptoms in normal aging and various neurodegenerative disorders, where chronic pain prevalence is notably elevated. My expertise lies in using rodent models of Parkinson’s disease, along with techniques such as tract tracing neuro-anatomy and in vivo electrophysiology combined with sensory stimulations and optogenetic modulations. I have established collaborations at local, national, and international levels to broaden the scope of my research questions.
Curriculum vitae
1. Stenroos P, Guillemain I, Tesler F, Montigon O, Collomb N, Stupar V, Destexhe A, Coizet V, David O and Barbier E (2024) How Absence Seizures Impair Sensory Perception: Insights from Awake fMRI and Simulation Studies in Rats, Elife, Preprint.
2. Coizet V, Al Tannir, Pautrat A and Overton P.G. (2024) Separation of channels subserving approach and avoidance/escape at the level of the basal ganglia and related brainstem structures. Current Neuropharmacology, 22(9): 1473-1490.
3. Pautrat A*, Al Tannir R*, Perney-Galley K, Sinniger V, Overton PG, David O and Coizet V (2023) Altered parabrachial nucleus nociceptive processing may underlie central pain in Parkinson’s disease. NPJ Parkinson, 9(1):78.
* these authors contributed equally to this work.
4. Nicolas Vautrelle*, Veronique Coizet*, Mariana Leriche, Lionel Dahan, Jan M. Schulz, Yan Feng Zhang, Abdelhafid Zeghbib, Paul G. Overton, Enrico Bracci, John N.J. Reynolds and Peter Redgrave (2023) Sensory reinforced corticostriatal plasticity. * these authors contributed equally to this work. Accepted un Current Neuropharmacology.
5. Gronlier E, Volle J, Coizet V, Paccard A, Habermacher C, Roche Y, Roucard C, Duveau C and David O (2023) Evoked responses to single pulse electrical stimulation reveal impaired striatal excitability in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Neurobiology of disease, 185: 106266.
6. Al Tannir R, Pautrat A, Baufreton J, Overton PJ and Coizet V (2023) The subthalamic nucleus: a hub for sensory control via short three-lateral loop connections with the brainstem? Current Neuropharmacology, 21(1):22-30.
7. Bellot E, Kauffmann L, Coizet V; Meoni S, Moro E and Dojat M (2022) Effective connectivity in subcortical visual structures in de novo Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Neuroimage, 33:102906.
8. Gronlier E, Vendramini E, Volle J, Wozniak-Kwasniewska A, Antón Santos N, Coizet V, Duveau V, David O (2021) Single-pulse electrical stimulation methodology in freely moving rat. Accepted in Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
9. Goutaudier R, Coizet V, Carcenac C, Carnicella S (2020) Compound 21, a two-edged sword with both DREADD-selective and off-target outcomes in rats. PLoS One. 15(9):e0238156.
10. Coizet V and Overton PG (2020) The neuropathological basis of anxiety in Parkinson’s disease. Medical Hypotheses. 144:110048.
11. Barbier M, Chometton S, Pautrat A, Miguet-Alfonsi C, Peterschmitt Y, Datiche F, Gascuel J, Fellmann D, Coizet V, Risold P-Y (2020) Basal ganglia like organization of an insular cortex-central amygdala-hypothalamic network mediating feeding behavior. PNAS. 117(27):15967-15976.
12. Becq GJ-PC, Habet T, Collomb N, Faucher M, Delon-Martin C, Coizet V, Achard S, Barbier EL (2020) Under anesthesia, functional connectivity is preserved but reorganized. Neuro-image. 219:116945.
13. Moro E, Bellot E, Meoni S, Pellissier P, Hera R, Scelzo E, Dojat M, Coizet V (2020) Visual dysfunction of the superior colliculus in de novo Parkinsonian patients. Annals of Neurology 87(4):533-546
14. Goutaudier R, Coizet V, Carcenac C and Carnicella S (2019) DREADDs: the power of the lock, the weakness of the key. Favoring the pursuit of specific conditions rather than specific ligands, eNeuro, 6(5) ENEURO.0171-19.2019.
15. Sherdil A; Coizet V, Pernet-Gallay K, David O, Chabardes S and Piallat B (2019) Implication of anterior nucleus of the thalamus in mesial temporal lobe seizures. Neuroscience, pii: S0306-4522(19)30424-5.
16. Pautrat A, Rolland M, Barthelemy M, Baunez C, Sinniger V, Piallat B, Savasta M, Overton PG, David O, Coizet V (2018) Revealing a novel nociceptive network that links the subthalamic nucleus to pain processing. Elife, pii: e36607. doi: 10.7554/eLife.36607.
17. Fernandes J, Vendramini E, Miranda A, Silva C, Coizet V, David O and Mendes PM (2018) Design and performance assessment of a solid-state microcooler for thermal neuromodulation, Micromachines, 27;9(2). pii: E47.
18. Coizet V, Heilbronner, S, Carcenac C, Mailly P, Lehman J, Savasta M, David O, Deniau J-M, Groenewegen H.J. and Haber S. N. (2017) The Rat prefronto-striatal and prefronto-thalamic bundles analysed in 3D: Evidence for a topographical organization. The journal of Neuroscience, 37(10):2539-2554.
19. Fouchard A, Coizet V, Sinniger S, Clarençon D, Karin PG , Bonnet S, David O (2017) Functional monitoring of peripheral nerves from electrical impedance measurements. Journal of Physiology (Paris), 110(4 Pt A):361-371.
20. Bellot E., Coizet V., Moro E., Knoblauch K. and Dojat M. (2016) Effect of aging on low luminance contrast processing in humans, Neuroimage 139:415-426.
21. Etiévant A., Oosterhof C., Bétry C., Abrial E., Novo-Perez M., Rovera R., Scarna H., Devader C., Mazella J., Wegener G., Sánchez C., Dkhissi-Benyahya O., Gronfier C., Coizet V., Beaulieu J.M., Blier P., Lucas G., Haddjeri N. (2015) Astroglial control of the antidepressant-like effects of prefrontal cortex deep brain stimulation, EBio Medicine, 2(8):896-906.
22. Rolland M., Carcenac C., Overton P.G., Savasta M. and Coizet V. (2013), Enhanced visual responses in the superior colliculus and subthalamic nucleus in an animal model of Parkinson's disease, Neuroscience, 12;252:277-88.
23. Redgrave P., Coizet V., Comoli E., Mchaffie J.G., Leriche-Vazquez M., Vautrelle N., Hayes L.M. and Overton P.G., Interactions between the midbrain superior colliculus and the basal ganglia, Frontier in Neuroanatomy Review, (2010) 4: pii 132.
24. Coizet V., Dommett E.J., Klop E.M., Redgrave P and Overton P.G., The parabrachial nucleus is a critical link in the transmission of short latency nociceptive information to midbrain dopaminergic neurons, Neuroscience (2010) 168(1):263-72.
25. Coizet V, Graham J, Moss J, Bolam P, Savasta M, McHaffie J, Redgrave P and Overton P, Short-latency visual input to the subthalamic nucleus is provided by the midbrain superior colliculus. Journal of Neuroscience. (2009) 29(17): 5701-09.
26. May PJ, McHaffie JG, Stanford TR, Jiang H, Costello MG, Coizet V, Hayes L;, Haber SN and Redgrave P, Tectonigral Projections in the Primate: A Pathway for Pre-Attentive Sensory Input to Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons. European journal of Neuroscience (2009) 29(3):575-87.
27. Gowan JD, Coizet V, Devonshire IM and Overton PG, D-Amphetamine depresses visual responses in the rat superior colliculus: a possible mechanism for amphetamine-induced decreases in distractibility. Journal of Neural Transmission (2008) 115(3): 377-87.
28. Coizet V, Overton PG and Redgrave P, Collateralisation of tectonigral pathway with major ouptut projections of superior colliculus in rat. Journal of Comparative Neurology (2007) 500(6):1034-49.
29. Redgrave P, Coizet V. (2007) Brainstem interactions with the basal ganglia. Parkinsonism and Related Disorder. 13 Suppl 3:S301-5. Review.
30. Coizet V, Dommett E, Overton PG and Redgrave P, Nociceptive responses of dopaminergic neurones modulated by experimental manipulations of the superior colliculus in rat. Neuroscience (2006) 139(4):1479-93.
31. McHaffie JG, Jiang H, May PJ, Coizet V, Overton PG, Stein BE and Redgrave P, A direct projection from superior colliculus to substantia nigra pars compacta in the cat. Neuroscience (2006) 138(1):221-34.
32. McHaffie JG, Stanford TR, Stein BE, Coizet V and Redgrave P, Subcortical loops through the basal ganglia. Trends in Neuroscience (2005) 28 (8): 401-407.
33. Aked J., Coizet V, Clark D and Overton PG., Local injection of a glutamate uptake inhibitor into the ventral tegmental area produces sensitization to the behavioural effects of d-amphetamine, Neuroscience (2005) 134 (2): 361-367.
34. Dommett E*, Coizet V*, Blaha CD, Martindale J, Lefebvre V, Walton N, Mayhew JEW, Overton PG and Redgrave P, How visual stimuli activate dopaminergic neurons at short latency. Science (2005) 307 : 1476-1479. * these authors contributed equally to this work.
35. Comoli E, Coizet V, Boyes J, Bolam P, Canteras NS, Quirk RH, Overton PG and Redgrave P, A direct projection from superior colliculus to substantia nigra for detecting salient visual events. Nature Neuroscience (2003) 6 (9): 974-980.
36. Coizet V, Comoli E, Westby GWM and Redgrave P, Phasic activation of substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area by chemical stimulation of superior colliculus : An electrophysiological investigation in rat. European Journal of Neuroscience (2003) 17 (1) : 28-40.
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