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Professor (teaching and research) (UGA)

Team I.Arnal/A.Andrieux

Profile picture for user antkowia

Contact details

Building : Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences

Office : GIN 2/064

In my lab, I am developing a project entitled "Cytoskeleton organization in neurons: dynamics and homeostasis", one of whose aims is to reproduce the various neuronal cytoskeleton networks organized outside cells. This approach aims to understand how the neurocytoskeleton is regulated by different factors.

Keywords associated with my research are: actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, biomimetic approach, ABP (actin-binding proteins), MAP (microtubule-binding proteins), protein cloning and biochemistry, molecular mechanisms, biochemical equilibrium, microscopy (videomicroscopy, TIRF, confocal), neurons.

I welcome interns every year at Licence and Master level: send CV, cover letter and grades by email if the project interests you...

TIRF microscopy reveals the unique properties of brain actin


Responsible for the following teaching units:
Cell Biology (L2 students), BIO301
Cell Biology for international students (L2 students), BIO331
High Throughput Biology (M2 students), BIO937

Teaching in the following disciplines (lectures):
Cell Biology (L2), Grenoble and Valence campuses
Cell Biology for international students (L2), Grenoble campus
From the molecule to the function of the nervous system (L3), Grenoble campus
Analysis of the physical properties of the cytoskeleton and the whole cell (M1), Health campus
Molecular bases of the normal and pathological memory (M1, Molecular and Cellular Biology), Grenoble campus
Plasticity of the Adult Nervous System (M2, Neurobiology-Neurosciences)

Teaching in L1, L2 and L3 (tutorials and practical works) in the following disciplines:
Cell biology (L1 and L2)
From the molecule to the function of the nervous system (L3)
Communication in normal and cancerous cells (L3)

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes (2020- ) :
Lab: U1216 Inserm, UGA, CHUGA, CEA - Grenoble Institut Neurosciences (GIN) 
Research topic: Cytoskeleton organization in neurons: dynamics and homeostasis.
Keywords: actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, biomimetic approach, ABP (actin-binding proteins), MAP (microtubule-binding proteins), protein cloning and biochemistry, molecular mechanisms, biochemical equilibrium, microscopy (videomicroscopy, TIRF, confocal), neurons

Postdoc (2016-2020) :
Lab: UMR 7288 CNRS/ Université Aix Marseille, Marseille Institute of Developmental Biology (IBDM) 
Research topic: Study of the molecular regulators involved in the biochemical equilibrium between actin networks.
Keywords: actin cytoskeleton, biomimetic approach, protein cloning and biochemistry, molecular mechanisms, biochemical equilibrium, microscopy (videomicroscopy, TIRF, confocal), S. Cerevisiae

PhD thesis (2011-2015) :
Lab: UMR 1048 INSERM/ Université Paul Sabatier – Institute of Cardiovascular Metabolic Diseases (I2MC)
Research topic: Regulation of membrane and cytoskeleton dynamics in megakaryocyte differentiation.
Keywords: actin cytoskeleton, membrane dynamics, GTPases, microscopy (videomicroscopy, confocal), FRET, hematology, megakaryocyte


Publications are available on this web page:

Informations complémentaires

Work for scientific journals:
Participation as referee of articles submitted for publication in scientific journals such as Front. Cell Dev. Biol., Eur. J. Cell Biol and JoVE.

Internship application

Whether you are in L1 or M2, you can do an internship in a lab. To do so, send by e-mail :
- a CV
- a cover letter
- your grades

Submitted on May 17, 2024

Updated on March 31, 2025