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For more information about the brain and science

The brain can be compared to a conductor for a group of musicians. During the concert, it communicates with all its musicians to indicate the tempo, the bar, the musical nuances or the chord progression. The brain is in contact with all the organs of the body via the nerve fibers, by emitting and receiving a large number of information. In addition to being responsible for our consciousness and thoughts, it also controls our movements, pain, digestion, sleep, memory, language, learning, and so on. The list is long because everything that makes you who you are is the result of cerebral organization.

Constant interactions between the brain and the rest of the body, but also with the brain’s environment, account for the complexity of its functioning. Neuroscience has considerably evolved since the first anatomical works on the nervous system during the Renaissance. This branch of science has led to many unusual findings, at both preclinical and clinical basic research. All this aggregated and crucial knowledge for today’s research is very exciting to share!

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Web sites

Many websites dealing with neuroscience and how the brain functions are available. Here is a non-complete list:

  • Atout cerveau is a blog created by the Brain Awareness Week’s Steering Committee. This blog is intended for use by the general public. You will find a large amount of information about the brain: schedule, articles, downloadable resources, and so forth.
  • Le cerveau à tous les niveaux is a fabulous website for French-speaking and English-speaking people. This website, created by McGill University, also has a blog in relation with it, dealing about news on the brain.
  • Les aventuriers du cerveau is an educational blog that offers workshop training in order to implement a research project in class, as well as documentary resources and the possibility to ask questions to researchers.

Research institutes (CNRS, Inserm, CEA) have websites for the general public. They offer downloadable documentation, illustrations, expert researcher videos or an event calendar. Not all of the contents deal with the brain. You need to look for them!

Click on Gircor (French Interprofessional Group on Reflection and Communication of Research) to learn more about animal research.

Videos & podcasts

To watch or replay some of our cultural events or to discover the research conducted at the GIN in another format:


Scientific journals to inform curious people about learning new things in science... but also online resources for all!

Submitted on February 5, 2024

Updated on February 5, 2024